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Creating Citizen Media in Monastir – First Day

Using Citizen Media to support Civic Engagement

Using Citizen Media to support Civic Engagement

Daniela, Fatma & Ahmed Amine – all of them are part of our new project, which we designed in cooperation with Association Amitié et Coopération Internationale de Monastir (A2.C.I.M.) and the municipality of Münster. The project aims to create Citizen Media structures in Münster’s twin city Monastir, Tunesia.

From April to June, the three participants will stay in Münster and learn about different types of Citizen Media. At the end of the year, they will spend three months in Monastir in order to transfer their knowledge and try to create the organisational and technical infrastructure in cooperation with A2.C.I.M.

To follow their progress, visit mnstr.tv/monastir! For more background information, visit the Bennohaus page (German). The project is supported by the ASA programm.

Jan Leye

Ehemaliger Chefredakteur.

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