Abschlusstreffen in Málaga

The 4th transnational project meeting of CultureLab took place on 29th and 30th August 2018 in Malaga, Spain.

Project partners from Poland, Germany and Spain met together to talk about the last issues conntected to the CultureLab. The project is about to end soon. Before it is officialy closed there are still tasks to be done. First of all, LROT and the Bennohaus are still working on the e-learning platform and its course. It is almost finished, however, both organisations are making some corrections and last small changes. Nevertheless, the platform is already open for the users. You can register under: http://culture-lab.pl/en/project/ From this website, you can also download an e-book – another main product of the project. There, you can find some ideas on how to use modern technology in cultural education. The materials are available in 4 languages: Polish, English, German and Spanish.

There are 2 multiplier events planned for October 2018. The leader organisation from Poland will organise its event in Lublin and the partner from Spain, in Malaga. Both events should last 2 days and gather all in all 100 participants from different organisations. The aim of the events is to promote the CultureLab project. It is important that the local community, especially cultural educators, will get to know about the products of the project and will start to use them. The multiplier event organised by the Bennohaus took place in Münster at the beginning of August 2018.

During the transnational project meeting in Malaga partners also talked about the financial issues and final reporting.

It was the last meeting of CultureLab.


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